Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 11

Still on the hunt for litter boxes, I ran across this sale at PetCo. Delilah has a food allergy which means Natural Balance Green Pea and Duck is one of the only foods I can feed her.

It's an expensive food because it is "limited ingredient" and doesn't contain any grain or weird by-products. Yep, I'm a little weird when it comes to my cats - they're obligate carnivores so why does cat food all have corn in it? So why green pea you're asking? Well, it's a legume so technically it's got some amino acids required for making proteins :P But really it's because Delilah is allergic to chicken and turkey. Read the back of any cat food at the pet supply store, now find one that DOESN'T have one of those ingredients (including fat) on the list, usually right at the top. So there are all of two flavors (even the fish ones have chicken fat!) that I can buy, this happens to be the one my store stocks.

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